
What is New with BookingPal? August Updates

What’s New with BookingPal?


(1) Change tabs for yields on Property Manager portal: Viewing all yields in the Property Manager Portal has been improved:


a) Now all yields (that are currently active or will be active on future travel dates) are easily viewable by selecting the Active button in the Yields section of the PM Portal, and

b) sorting all Active yields has been improved by providing sort options for “applies from” and “applies to” in regards to travel dates.


(2) Rezcaster UI changes: Improved UI/UX experience with enhanced calendar visibility even on smaller screen resolutions and high-definition compact property images.


(3) Added “living room” to all product types: Added ability to define a room type as ‘Living Room’ on the Property Manager’s portal for various products’ types such as SGL, PRM, and MLTs.


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